Customer Testimonials

- "Paladin service has been outstanding in terms of timeliness in responding to issues, problem determination, and resolution. The Service Technicians are also very thorough in identifying root causes and solutions and are friendly to work with."
- Tom Turk - Holy Love Ministries


- "We have been in maintenance agreements with Paladin Protective Systems over the last five years and have been very pleased with the service. It feels good to always have a constant and consistent point of contact whenever we are in a crisis or just needing a routine question answered in a quick and timely fashion. The Service Techs are always courteous, knowledgeable, and professional, which puts you at ease knowing that the problem will be fixed correctly. I highly recommend the services!"
- Brett McDonald (Security Supervisor) - South Franklin Circle


- "The support that Paladin provides has been without equal. They respond quickly whenever needed and act as a true partner to our efforts."
- Paul Steiner, CPP (Security Manager) - Rock & Roll Hall of Fame


- "Paladin and its team of professionals ranging from Project Management to Field Technicians have been a pleasure to work with on the Carey Schools project. Their level of professionalism has shown through a great end product and a happy customer. Thank You for going above and beyond the standard." - Jason Arend (Senior Project Manager) - Vaughn Industries


- "I have had the opportunity to hire Paladin on numerous occasions and could not be more pleased with the results.  From the quoting and design by John Davidson, to the planning and execution of the project performed by Stefan and Ben, the professionalism and quality could not have gone any better. I will be hiring Paladin for all my sound needs."
- John Petro (Facility Manager) - Massillon City Schools   


- "The process of working with Paladin to create systems that meet the expectations at Legacy Village is seamless and professional from conception to execution and service. Paladin is a valued partner that can be trusted to bring their “A” game on a consistent basis."
- Gregg Goodwin (Operations Manager) - Legacy Village


- "Thank you for all that you did to hook up our PA System so quickly and efficiently. Our students and teachers are now safe."
- Martha Dodd (Principal for Student Success) - Ss. Robert & William Catholic School

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